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5 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Improve Your Personal Style

What is it about January that makes us embark upon a mission of self-improvement? Check your twitter feed – I guarantee that a large proportion of the updates feature topics such as weight loss, gym memberships, reading more and watching less TV.

Yet, most people who set new year’s resolutions fail – in fact, only 8% of people are successful in achieving their new year’s resolution. Do you know why the vast majority of people fail? It’s because they didn’t make a plan.

That’s why we are sharing 5 realistic resolutions you can make to improve your personal style, along with some suggestions on how to actually achieve them.

These common sense resolutions will lead to a highly wearable, versatile wardrobe – something that we should all be striving to have.


1. Clear out your wardrobe.

When was the last time you cleared out your wardrobe? If it is a mismatched collection of the clothing that you purchased over the last 10 years (including the ones that no longer fit!) it might be time to cull.

Take a couple of hours this weekend to examine every single item in your wardrobe – that includes underwear and socks. Take it all out of the wardrobe and pile it on your bed.

Now, one by one, reflect on whether this article of clothing is a worthy part of your wardrobe. If it is, it can go back in your wardrobe. If it isn’t, make a pile.

Once you are finished, this pile can either be donated to the charity shop or if it is worn out, it can be recycled. You should not be keeping anything that doesn’t look good on you, doesn’t fit comfortably or has holes in it. Only keep the clothing that makes you feel good.

The benefit of having a wardrobe clear out is that you will be left with only your best clothing. Say goodbye to that unflattering sweater that glares at you reproachfully every time you open the drawer. Getting dressed will be easy because you can guarantee that everything fits and suits you!

2. Fill in any gaps in your wardrobe.

After a brutal wardrobe clear out, you might realise that you don’t own a decent pair of trousers or a smart pair of shoes! A well-organised wardrobe makes it much easier to see where you are missing the essentials.

Look through your wardrobe and note down any articles of clothing that you are missing. These might be things that you have never owned or perhaps you are replacing something that never fit you properly. Now is the time to start filling in those gaps.

Once you have a well-equipped wardrobe, full of quality essentials, you will start to dress better day-to-day. Remember: dressing well is less about owning lots of “fashionable” pieces and more about having quality essentials that fit

3. Only wear clothing that fits.

The fit of your clothing is extremely important. You could be wearing the most expensive suit made from the finest cloth, but if it doesn’t fit, you are going to look like a sack of potatoes. Here’s how a suit should fit.

If you want your clothes to fit properly, you should find a tailor (We know of a good one…!) Whether you have clothing made for you or you simply have your existing clothes altered, it will be a big improvement upon wearing your clothing straight off-the-peg.

Wearing garments that fit properly will enhance your best features. It will make you look slimmer, taller and in better shape. Who needs that January diet?!

4. Invest in quality.

By the time you hit your mid-20s, you probably gained a greater understanding of your personal style; what you enjoy wearing and what looks good on you.

Thankfully, personal style has far more longevity than short-lived fashion trends, so it’s time to stop buying cheap, “trendy” clothing that goes out of shape after the first wash. Instead, start investing in high-quality clothing that you know you will wear for years.

Whilst the initial outlay will undoubtedly be greater, they will stay in great shape for much longer, meaning that there will be no need to replace them for several years. Additionally, you will look like a man who takes care of his appearance, which is what we’d all like to be!

If you want to become a man who dresses well, you must consider every piece that you introduce into your wardrobe.

5. Avoid impulse shopping.

If you examine the barely worn clothing in your wardrobe, I would be willing to bet that the majority of those pieces are the ones you purchased on impulse. Perhaps they were on sale or maybe your other half dragged you shopping and you felt pressured into purchasing. Either way, this acquisition was not carefully considered.

If you want to become a man who dresses well, you must carefully consider every piece that you introduce into your wardrobe. Plan your purchases in advance and ensure that they will become high-functioning pieces within your wardrobe.

When you start to scrutinise every item of clothing that you buy, you will find that you wear more of your wardrobe. It will mix and match better and you will rarely find an occasion when you don’t have something suitable to wear. Furthermore, less impulse shopping will leave you with more budget to invest in the purchases that matter.

Invest in Your Wardrobe Today

If your suits are starting to look shabby or no longer fit, it’s time to order some new ones and start the new year looking at your best.

Book a free initial consultation where your personal tailoring consultant will guide you through the bespoke process.

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